The Number 23 (Graded)

Walter Sparrow stumbles onto a fascinating book titled The Number 23. It’s a peculiar little story about an individual that becomes obsessed with the number “23” & its recurrence in his everyday life. As Walter reads the novel & sees the character surrendering himself to his own paranoia, he too begins to experience similar feelings. In fact with time, Walter begins to spot parallels between the book & the real life situations around him, much to the displeasure of his wife Agatha, who begins to worry about his irrational behavior. His confusion continues to escalate & he begins to believe that the novel is actually based on his own life. When he discovers the main character’s grisly demise in the book, he truly begins to panic. If the story is indeed based on Walter’s life, then he will have to find a way to prevent his own impending doom from ever taking place.
Grade: C -
Trailer HERE
Grade: C -
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