Terminator Salvation (What to Know)

Sad & cool news from Terminator 4 co-writer Michael Ferris, who has given Entertainment Weekly & us here at Blog Spot a hint about what we can expect from the next installment. First addressed was the question of whether Arnold Schwarzenegger would be back. "'T3 kind of closed the book on Arnold as did his gubernatorial career" said Ferris, who co-wrote the 4th film. Another missing element, producer Gale Anne Hurd, who worked on the first three films but not involved here. "T3" director Jonathan Mostow has yet to sign on since he is adapting Marvel's Sub-Mariner Namor. As far as plot points, Ferris offered this tease: "You'll learn about Skynet & what that postapolyptic future is like."
Coming: May 22nd, 2009

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