Pilot Speed: Into the West (Music to Hear)

If you are looking for a new band to match the magic of U2 and Coldplay, then I am happy to introduce you to Pilot Speed. Into the West, their first US release and second one in all, is an exciting alternative. This Canadian quartet is producing great sounds and lyrics, something that many music acts have been lacking lately. Pilot Speed has all the elements of Coldplay with the powerful voice of U2. Although they would be the first to admit their influences, their work shows us how unique they truly are. The record makes you go through many moods and emotions. Lead singer Todd Clark has the power to bring out strong feelings and just when the party is starting can bring us down to earth again with the greatest of ease. His voice invites us into his soul, along with his very gifted band mates. This album is personally the best I have heard all year so far. Alright, is a powerful example of Todd's gift of musical genius. I highly recommend a listen to this group and would very much anticipate more to come.
Listen to ALRIGHT, right here!
posted by: Galaxy Kid Productions
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