Superman to Return, Again. (What to Know)

The reality is, "Superman Returns" brought in $200 million domestically, which covered its production budget. Then the film went on to bring in the same amount worldwide, bringing the total to almost $400 million. Impressive.
With the DVD on the way to do even more damage to some of your wallets, the studio has finally agreed to bring Superman for a sequel. After MUCH fighting for & hyping it up, Bryan Singer got the deal signed & sealed with the start of pre-production scheduled for September.
The big differences between the two films will be a smaller budget, being somewhere between $140 and $175 million. Small? Not! But more importantly there will be more action, thank the gods. Warner Bros. shockingly feels happy the way the first film re-introduced Superman back to the world, & now it's time to re-introduce his powers, of course, duh.
We have been told that Superman will have the battle of his life in the sequel & audiences can expect one of the ultimate baddies in the D.C. universe to come to Metropolis to pick a fight with the Man of Steel. Please don't let it be Doomsday! PLEASE!!!!!! Brainiac anyone?
Coming: 2010
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