Arcade Fire: Neon Bible (Music to Hear)
Sharing its title with a John Kennedy Toole novel, the Arcade Fire's second album is markedly different from its more cloistered predecessor: On Neon Bible, the band looks outward instead of inward, their concerns more worldly than familial & their sound more malevolent than cathartic. Angry, embittered & paranoid, but often generously empathetic in their points of view, they target the government, the church, the military, the entertainment industry & even the basest instincts of the common man.
The album grows like a flower that blooms into beautiful painting of the here & now with the help of colors like fear, anger & sadness the results shine of Hope & of talents that still invigorate one's soul & ears.The Neon Bible is the Holy right of the current musical landscape that still needs saving. Lucky for us the Arcade Fire are the preachers we need.
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