Little Children (Movie Watch)

Little Children is based on the novel by Tom Perrotta, centering on a handful of individuals whose lives intersect in surprising & potentially dangerious ways.
Grade: A
Trailer HERE
Air's Choices or Opinions on anything & anyone!
When he's not on his 360's LIVE...
As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, I was going to get into many aspects of entertainment. Now for most if not all of us, We have loved at one time or another to play a videogame system and game. I know most females loved the occasional Pacman/ Mrs. Pacman fest despite games having gotten to photorealistic levels. Now I'm not saying all of you girls/women dislike a game like Resident Evil or even the infamous Street Fighter series but it's safe to say that Mario was as far as most of you have gotten to gaming madness. Now this is not a Girl vs. Boy gaming debate, NO! NO! NO! This is a heads up at those two additions to Xbox's 360 system for the next gen war for the crown of game systems. This generation's systems and games are like no other. I have referred to the PS2, GameCube and Xbox as the best our gaming systems and gaming worlds could produce. The upcoming PS3, Wii and Xbox360 are harbingers of gaming shock. Games run and look like nothing before. That consistent pattern the programs would do that were nothing more then memory exercises have been technically done away with. No more are the numbing repetitions and mini worlds of old. NO! NO! NO! This is war if it's war, game time if it's game time and a quest if a quest. Games are worlds onto themselves. Now don't start worrying about gaming worlds and characters getting their own laws and civil rights just yet. Because the best bet is worrying about how you will be paying for these gaming mammoths and gaming worlds.