I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With (Poster Release)

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Air's Choices or Opinions on anything & anyone!
When he's not on his 360's LIVE...
This film has been sitting in the can for close to a year because of its tone and a three-hour running time, which caused several people to begin making edits, including Pitt. Some wanted a Clint Eastwood-style actioner while others were looking to make a dark, contemplative examination of fame & infamy which I hope it chose. In addition, test screenings reportedly fared poorly but since when do major movie goers know what's good from bad? Dukes of Hazard anyone?. Anyhow with its release date approaching, Warner Bros. Pictures has stated that the new film is "true to the source material (novel by Ron Hansen) and in keeping with the creative vision of its filmmakers." God I hope so.
Grade: A +
Trailer HERE
Kaye has been best remembered as the guy who sued the Directors Guild for $200 million, to change his name to Humpty Dumpty on the "American History X" credits after his cut was rejected. When his credit change request was denied, Kaye admitted to trying to change his name legally to Mr. Dumpty out of spite. In addition, he would refuse to talk to people on the phone, and when he needed to make an urgent phone call, he would go up to a phone booth, dial a random number & ask a total stranger to speak on his behalf. I guess that's part of his genius or is down fall.
Lake of Fire was made for more than $6 million over about 16 years, being released theatrically on October 3rd, with a possible three to four hour TV version to follow.
Trailer HERE
Trailer HERE
Grade: A -
Trailer HERE