Cherry Blossoms (Movie Watch)

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The fearless & uncompromising Flame is a confirmed anti-fascist dreaming of the day when the group will assemble & openly launch an armed counterattack at the occupying power. The more sensitive family man, Citron, used to work primarily as a driver for Flame, but now finds himself becoming more deeply involved in the group's work.
When their immediate superior, Aksel Winther, orders them into action against two German Abwehr officers, events start to get out of hand. Flame engages in conversation with the talented & intelligent Colonel Gilbert & for first time, Flame calls the soundness of the order he is about to execute into question while history spins out of anyone's control.
The film is based on actual events and eyewitness accounts from some of the people who experienced Bent Faurschou-Hviid ("Flame") & Jorgen Haagen Schmith ("Citron") at very close range.
Grade A -